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What Are the Main Types of Sedation Dentistry?

Apr 01, 2022
Are you one of the many looking at the office of the dentist near you and wishing dentists never existed? You may find it challenging to stomach the idea of undergoing dental procedures.

Are you one of the many looking at the office of the dentist near you and wishing dentists never existed? You may find it challenging to stomach the idea of undergoing dental procedures. Fortunately for you, a process for getting the treatment you need without expressing anxiousness while remaining comfortable in the dentist’s chair is now available to ensure you take care of your dental and overall health.

Sedation dentistry is incredibly popular like it is throughout America and Canada to help you obtain dental treatments without fear or anxiety. Have we made you wonder what “sedation dentistry” is? Let us explain this process and the different types of sedation used by dentists to calm and relax you during any dental procedure.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a process that helps establish a relaxed, calm, and accessible state using sedatives for relaxation. Dentists provide sedative drugs like tranquilizers, antianxiety medications, depressants, & nitrous oxide administered in various ways. Earlier, IV sedation delivered via injections was popular to sedate patients.

The safety of IV sedation remains undisputed, especially when administered by a trained professional. However, currently, sedation dentistry delivers a conducive and relaxing experience providing patients alternatives to the conventional modalities of inhalation and IVs by delivering a no needle that you may find appealing.

Throughout the US and Canada, dentists use oral sedation dentistry as a common technique to quell patient fears. The method is straightforward, needing no needles. In addition, the medications deliver a comfortable experience ensuring most patients do not recollect their visits. You may think you slept through your dental procedure when in reality, the drugs maintain a level of consciousness in you for safety and cooperation. Do not consider sedation dentistry as similar to anesthesia because even after receiving sedatives to calm your nerves, local anesthesia in your mouth is injected by dentists to block pain impulses after you are entirely sedated and comfortable.

Types Of Sedation

Below are the types of sedation in sedation dentistry:

Inhaled Minimal Sedation

If you are receiving inhaled minimal sedation from a dentist, you are required to breathe a gas nitrous oxide through a mask. Nitrous oxide helps you relax and raises your threshold of pain, enabling the dentist to perform your dental treatment. In addition, nitrous oxide wears off quickly, allowing you to leave the dentist’s office by yourself without help from others.

Oral Sedation

If you are receiving oral sedation, the dentist prescribes a pill or medicine to ingest orally. Oral sedation makes you tired or even puts you to sleep, depending on the dosage you receive. Oral sedation is more robust and long-lasting than nitrous oxide, making you entirely relaxed. You may receive oral sedation in mild or moderate doses, depending on your level of dental anxiety. During your consultation, your dentist considers the length of the procedure to determine what sedatives are best suited for your needs. However, if you are incredibly anxious, you can request more potent sedatives to overcome your dental anxiety.

Dentists can help you achieve different levels of sedation from mild, moderate, and deep using different types of sedatives. The Academy of General dentistry confirms sedation as safe but requests patients to inquire with their dentists about what is involved and expected before receiving dental sedation. Patients must ensure dentists use the appropriate sedatives by providing their medical history and a list of medications they take, including over-the-counter products.

When receiving oral sedation of any variety, patients must arrange for help driving to and from the dentist’s office. Oral sedation leaves patients feeling tired and incapable of operating vehicles or machinery.

IV Sedation

Intravenous sedation can also make you feel you are asleep similar to oral sedation. However, you must endure needles when receiving IV sedation which reacts instantaneously and is best used for short dental procedures. Amnesia is a normal side-effect of IV sedation and oral sedation to make you think that your process lasted for a few minutes when you may have spent longer in the dentist’s chair.

The different types of sedation dentistry can encourage you to seek dental treatments you had been avoiding because you feared dental visits and preferred to let infections manifest in your mouth instead of having them treated. Hereafter you can confidently discuss sedation dentistry with the dentist near you, knowing full well you can receive the treatment as needed without fear or dental anxiety.

AB Dental & Oral Surgery provides sedation dentistry in San Antonio, TX. If you need any minor or significant dental procedures, don’t hesitate to contact our dentist in 78250 for this facility to receive your treatments.